Ellen Kohlhaas - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) 14\5\2003
Music Mosaic by Emma Scott
CD of "Schöne Müllerin"
With this recording the American tenor presents us with a splendid visiting card of his artistry. He presents this cycle in a fluent and stylistically balanced interpretation. Together with Jan Vermeulen on pianoforte he gives us a completely new version of Schubert's "Schöne Müllerin". An absolute must.
Kölner Stadtanzeiger 17.02 1998
WDR Köln "Proms" Concert
Donald George.....mit kostbar timbrierten Tenor.
Classic CD
(Soloists **** four stars)
For CD Mendelssohn's Elias, Kurt Masur Israel Philharmonic
The soloists sing with a pleasing lack of bloated rhetoric...Donald George responds with firm and ringing tones.
Opera International (France) April 1998
CD of Rossini’s "Aureliano in Palmira"
Donald George qui confère à Aureliano une autorité..., et une virtuosité ...
Wilhelmshavener Zeitung October 1995
Liederabend - Tage des Europäischen Liedes in Burg Kniphausen
Das Liederabend mit Donald George bot eine glückliche Verbindung von interpretatorischer Kraft, Sensibilität, und musikalischer Intelligenz – mehrkann man sich kaum wünschen.
Orpheus (Germany) November 1997
La Boheme in der Komsichen Oper Berlin
Donald George... mit schöner Stimme.
Reviews of ANDRES in "Wozzeck" in the Opera Bastille, Paris
Le Canard Enchaine by Luc Décygnes May 1999
Katarina Dalyman en Marie et Donald George dans Andres donnent une représentation parfaite.
Le Figaro by Jacques Doucelin May 1999
La distribution, merveilleusement homogéne, brûles planches, et le Andres de Donald George. (Andres, Wozzeck)
Reviews of Verdi "Requiem" in Stuttgart Liederhalle 3.October 2000
Der Tenor Donald George hatte von allen Solisten den charakterischsten italienischen Ton…er verströmte Belcanto pur.
The tenor Donald George had the most Italian sounding voice…he poured out pure belcanto
Verdi "Requiem" in Stuttgart 3. October 2000
Verdis lyrischer Ton blieb weitgehend der Solisten überlassen…Das gelang Ihnen auf werkgerechte Weise…Donald George stezte strahlungsgewohnte Tenorpassagen in die Auffürung.
Verdi’s lyrical side was left mostly for the soloists…They succeeded in this in a way appropriate to the piece…Donald George placed the expected brilliant tenor passages in the performance.
CD of Verdi "Requiem" Discovery DICD 920105/6
In Tune Japan
A vibrant performance by the soloists.For once ensemble and nuance are stressed over bombast. All four soloists sing with the dramatic flow and dynamic variation of a single singer. The uniformity of purposes is especially pronounced in the Quartet’s "Offertorio". Highly recommended.
Opera News Metropolitan Opera New York CD Review
The label Discovery has come up trumps with an admirable Verdi Requiem, admirably recorded with state-of-the-art fidelity. Rahbari gives an honest account of Verdi’s instructions, pacing and shaping the music with rare sensitivity. His ensemble is disciplined and enthusiastic…Donald George has a pleasing tenor sound, inflected with an admirable musical sensitivity, vocally reliable in all challenges.
Teatro alla Scala di Milano 17.06.2000 Reviews BOB BOLES in "Peter Grimes"
Corriere della Sera di Paolo Isotta (17.June 2000)
Un successo alla Scala... tutti posseggono una technica chiarissima della dizione, tutti sono attori consumamati e guidati con mano esperta di ogni convenzione da John Schlesinger .... (anche) il Bob Boles di Donald George.
Sole 24 Ore (19.Jun. 2000) La Scala
Felicissima l‘esecuzione musicale...Allo stesso modo, piu che soddisfacente è stata la prestazione complissiva del cast: ...cosi come bene Donald George (Boles)
Candide Performances in Munich, Frankfurt and Köln
TZ Munich by Beate Kayser,
Jubel für die Sänger... Donald George ein schmelzend lyrischer Candide - sanfter Bruder der Simplicius Simplicissimus.
Ovations for the singers…Donald George a meltingly lyric Candide and gentle brother of Simplicius Simplicissimus.
Tageszeitung Munich: Award of a Rose (rating) for the Candide performance
Münchner Merkur by Markus Thiel,
Donald George stattet die Rolle mit geschmeidigen, klangschönen Lyrismen aus - Candide outet sich als Orpheus' Verwandter. Sein Klagelied is einer der Höhepunkte dieser Auffürung.
Donald George provides the roll with a supple, beautiful toned lyricism-Candide outs himself as a relative of Orpheus. His Lament is one of the highlights of the performance.
Kölnische Rundschau by Volker Fries Dec. 12, 1999
Aussergewöhnliche Qualität des Ensembles… der Tenor Donald George brillierte als Candide.
Extraordinary Niveau of the Ensemble…the tenor Donald George was brilliant as Candide.
Offenbach-Post by Joachim Schreiner Dec. 2, 1999
Hervorragende künstlerische Leistung des gesamten Ensembles…und Donald George dessen Tenor Candide dem rechten Schliff verlieh.
Outstanding artistic achievement of the entire ensemble…and Donald George whose tenor voice gave Candide the perfect polish.
Komische Oper Berlin in "Liebe zu den Drei Orangen" - "L‘Amour des trois Oranges"
BZ 15. 6. 98
Hier paßte einfach alles. Der Chor sang perfekt. Die Solisten waren genauso gut. Vor allem Donald George gab einen wunderbar komischen traruigen Prinzen.
Everything was just right. The choir was perfect. The soloists were just as good. Above all the tenor Donald George presented a wonderfully funny and sad prince
Der Tagesspiegel 15. 6. 98
Der Orangenkavalier...Donald George schmachtet ebenso herzerweichend als schwermütiger Prinz wie als verliebter Orangenkavalier...eine Idealbesetzung.
The Orangenkavalier...Donald George suffers equally heartbreaking as the melancholy prince as he does as the prince in love...an ideal casting.
ADN Nachrichtendienst - News service 15. 6. 98
In der Rolle des Prinzen, der anfänglich ein schwer zu heilender Hypochonder ist, begeisterte der Tenor Donald George.
In the role of the Prince, who was at the start of the opera a hypochondriac who could not be cured, Donald George delighted the audience.
CD of Peter Benoit " Hoogmis" (High Mass) Discovery DICD 920178
Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and Cassettes
The Discover label offers a fascinating rarity, the "Hoogmis" (High Mass) by the Belgian composer, Peter Benoit a contemporary of Brahms. Alexander Rahbari’s account with the BRTN Philharmonic Orchestra of Brussels with massed choirs and the tenor Donald George taking the solos in the "Benedictus" and the "Dona nobis pacem" has all the thrust you need for an ambitious work lasting 55 minutes.
CD of Beethoven Ninth Symphony Discovery DICD 920151
Penguin Guide to CD and Cassettes
Rahbari’s Brussel’s version, digitally recorded makes an excellent recommendation, consistently conveying vigour and spontaneity, as in a live rather than a studio performance. The first movement is strong and purposeful, the Scherzo excitingly fast with the slow movement sustaining speeds well, and the finale is helped by fine choral and solo singing. The recording is reverberant, but not so as to muddle an involving performance.
Donald George
Rigoletto - 12. September 2003
Mit standing Ovations im ausverkauften Haus feierte die Neuinszenierung der Oper "Rigoletto" Premiere. ...drucklose, geschmeidig erreichte Höhen und elegante Registerverbindungen setzt Donald
George als Herzog ein. Dieser Tenore di grazia mit seiner hell eingefärbten doch fein modulierten Strimmentfaltung ist ein ausgesprochener Zugewinn.
Der Enztaler...15. Sept. 2003
With standing ovations in the sold out house the new production of the opera "Rigoletto" celebrated its premiere....Donald George performed the Duke with smoothly reached high notes without
tension and with elegant register changes. This Tenore di Grazia with his bright colored but fine modulated vocal culture is a definite win.
Donald George...einen höhensicheren Tenor...ist ein überzeugend bindunsunfähiger Machtmensch.
Pforzheimer Zeitung 15. Sept. 2003
Donald George a tenor with secure top notes...is a convincing study of a powerful despot unable to bond in a relationship.
Tenor Donald George brilliert in "Candides Lament" Bernstein bezeichnete sein Werk "Candide" als "Comic
operetta" - vitale Musik, die sowohl ernste als auch heitere Elemente aufweist. In "Candides Lament" überzeugte Donald George mit einem einfühlsamen Gesangspart. Der Tenor sang dieses Stück
bereits unter der Leitung des Komponisten selbst.
The tenor Donald George was brilliant in "Candide's Lament"
Bernstein characterized his piece "Candide" a "comic operetta" - lively music which displayed both serious and merry elements. In "Candide's Lament" Donald George was convincing with
his sensitive, emotional singing. The tenor already sang this piece under the direction of the composer himself.
Eine musikalische Liebeserklärung an New York, Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival
Den zweiten Konzert-Teil eröffneten der Tenor Donald George und die Baritone Christoph Pohl und Thorsten Gödde mit dem Titel "New York, New York" aus "On the Town". Fast zu übermütig
präsentierten die Sänger den wohl berühmtesten Song dieses 1944 entstandenen Musicals.
A musical declaration of love to New York
The second part of the concert was opened by the tenor Donald George and the baritones
C. Pohl and T. Gödde with the title "New York, New York" from "On The Town".With almost too much bravura the singers presented the perhaps most famous song from this musical composed in
Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival/NDR Pops Orchestra
Gefeierte Leonard-Bernstein Gala in der Kieler Ostseehalle
Carl St. Clair, dirigent/conductor
Kritiken zur Beethoven "Leonore" Urfassung 1805 - Reviews for Betthoven's "Leonore" 1805 version. "Grauenhafte Stille, so begann der 3. Aufzug der Oper "Leonore"...es war ein Weltspitzenabend mit einer wahren Sternkette. DONALD GEORGE als Florestan begeisterte mit seiner Dynamic, seine Stimme bildete den vollendeten Mittelteil des Klanggebäudes. Selten erlebten wir gesangliches Können so vollendet gepaart mit schauspielerischen Können. Die Acteure zogen die Theaterbesucher pausenlos in ihren Bann,es war ein atemlos zuhörendes Publikum. www.mozart-turm.de
Terrible silence, thus began the third act of the opera "Leonore"...it was a world class evening with a true cast of stars. DONALD GEORGE singing Florestan enthused with his dynamism, his voice made up the consummate central part of the tonal edifice. Rarely have we experienced such vocal ability so perfectly paired with acting ability. The players pulled the theater audience in their spell, it was a breathless listening public.
Bei den Sängern zeigen Michael Burt...Estelle Kruger...und Tenor DONALD GEORGE als unangefochtener Florestan die besten Leistungen...Viel Applaus und langer Beifall. Neue Rheinzeitung Claus Ambrisius
Among the singers the best performances were by Michael Burt...Estelle Kruger...and Tenor DONALD GEORGE who was the unchallenged Florestan. Much applause and extended clapping.
Koblenz hebt Beethovens Leonore von 1805
Immerhin waren einige überdurchnittliche Sängerleistung zu bewundern - vor allem Ursural Targlers souveräne, leidenschaftliche Leonore aber auch Donald Georges helltenoraler Florestan.